Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Class of 2001!

Aren't we a handsome Bunch?

I think Jared is funny in this one... :)

Mystery solved. Now I know why my man is so awesome: Westside High, Home of the Pirates! Pretty sure it was one of the biggest class reunions in Clifton, Idaho to date with about 23% of the 64 graduates of Westside High Class of 2001 attending. A great example of how great things come in small packages :). It was a lot of fun to tour the building and eat delicious food with friends. Also a major plus from the weekend: Mike and Amber :). Jared and I had fun playing house when the Provo Penrods came to visit the Malad Moyles. How great it is to have family close and even greater to have family that is enjoyable to be with!


  1. We had so much fun with you guys! We will have to do it again soon!

  2. For sure! Except next time we can sleep in as late as we want!
